
Welcome to our books page. We're not quite ready for the inaugural unveiling but we can tell you what the books are about--mainly us and our brilliance at organizing the muddled two-legses we adopt. Coming soon...

Too Deep for Digging
Olivia arrives in DeepWater with a riotous gang of archaeological students on a study dig. A fluffy moggy with ideas above her station, she unearths the skeleton in the treasure chest.
She makes sure the whole village gets involved in the project and keeps popping her paw in when the going gets sticky. But who is the skeleton and whose is the shiny treasure trove?

Box in the Garden
This is my book when I consider adopting the new interloper who takes over my cottage in DeepWater. Marta is an exhausted lecturer who buys her dream cottage for rest and recuperation. But I have to show her where the bodies are hidden and guide her to the right people who can  help her solve the mysteries.
Ignoring me may cost her a life. Not sure that she has nine lives like me. Could be a problem..                      

Bury with Kid Gloves   
We go up in the world when Marta becomes a local reporter to help pay for renovations to the cottage. She lands a scoop getting an interview with the notoriously reclusive Lady of the Manor and another when she scoops a body from the manorial fish pond. Fortunately I meet the lovely 'Livia and we join forces to keep her out of trouble--Marta makes a lovely fish pie--and stop her losing another life...

Hats off to Murder

No idea what's happening here yet but obviously I'm the hero. I always am. I expect I shall be organising 'Livia and Marta and their scatterbrained friends as usual. Have I mentioned Cissie and Daylia and the magic shoppie and Ash and the gardening? Lots more paws in the pie and investigating on the way...

Note from Katie

We've given Oliver his own page here but obviously it is too much to expect him to do all he does AND write the books. So that's down to Katie who has chosen Marta as the best person to tell the stories. You can't expect Oliver to keep his paws clean for long enough to be allowed to use Katie's beloved computer.


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